Hey, my last post was rather serious but I want to add one more thing. The cheerleaders themselves did nothing wrong. They just took a picture. The adult in that poster, the coach, is the one at fault. Just in case you thought I was attacking the girls. Sorry, I’ll do more fun stuff in the future.

How far have we come?

Look at this…

Horrible, right?

This costume is a awful stereotype.

A caricature of a diverse culture, designed by people who obviously don’t care enough to see what they are doing is wrong.

Now look at this.

How the hell is this even better? Look at the coach! I went on the Nikki Rowe website and was greeted with this. I’ve always been, let’s say, uncomfortable, with our mascot, but this is just horrible. Who ever thought of this should be ashamed of themselves. Every cheerleader is wearing a “war bonnet” or ceremonial head piece given to people for military or political achievements. These headdresses hold significant value to native american people today, and should not be used in a cheaply photoshoped cheer poster. They’re even wearing face paint I mean come on. Through this entire process of posing, doctoring, and printing this image, no one thought, “huh, hey this is pretty messed up.” And our mascot costume is even worse! I wish I could put up a picture but I couldn’t find a good one online. With its feather headdress and loin cloth. How that any better than this?

People at Nikki Rowe like to brag about “inclusivity” yet our mascot is literally a walking stereotype. Something our school has turned into a costume, and until we change it, we cannot call ourselves “inclusive”

To learn more about this here is a link that has a actually Native American on this subject http://apihtawikosisan.com/hall-of-shame/an-open-letter-to-non-natives-in-headdresses/
Thankyou and goodnight